Sunday, May 22, 2005

Watch out for that big cat!

Dozer boys... and girl. Posted by Hello

Earlier this week (or was it last week?) we decided it might be fun to become easy targets, so we all gathered around a big yellow piece of equipment and stood there for a while. Laurie decided it would be a good time to take a picture to send back to the Wharf Lounge in PC so she and Mike held up a sign for them. They threw a big party for us before we left and they always whip up a good lunch on drill weekends. Oh, and they have beer there. I sure miss home.

It's probably hard to tell, but some of the people in this picture are actually smiling. You see that around here once in a while now that we've passed the halfway point. Or maybe it's cuz Toby was in the country?? Tonight we'll be visited by Dean Cain, Amanda Swisten and Kelly Hu at the Friday Night Fights, where our own Shamoken Mike will attempt to continue the Air Force's winning streak by beating up an Army kid in a 3-round brawl... er boxing match. The Friday night fights arent' really on Fridays cuz that would establish a pattern for the enemy but we call them that anyway. They're on different nights. Pretty clever, eh?

OK, I have to get out of the office now. I'll type at ya later.



Anonymous said...

That was Toby Keith?! Duh. I was trying to figure out who it was at first, but I eventually figured it out. A little slow, ain't I? And I'm the valedictorian...what's that say for the rest of the class? hee hee... :-p

Anonymous said...

wow, I even posted it on the wrong comment spot. Gosh I must be really, really confused. I wanted to say here....horrible cat pun. Got to get em when ya can, though, right?

Anonymous said...

Deer chaos,
Caterpillar is the brand name of the dozer. Cool heavy equipment mechanics just call it "cat" to make better use of their time servicing the equipment. So while it may technically have been a pun, it wasn't intestinal. Quit picking on me!