Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union - Mo' money!

Yep, mo' money it is, but is that really a surprise? We're a bigger nation than we've ever been. We're facing bigger problems than we ever have. Our infrastructure is older and as neglected as it's ever been. Our population requires more care and feeding than it ever has, AND our revenue is less than it's been in a while. Now, I know raising taxes is no guarantee of increased revenue, but raising taxes and cutting spending just might be... ya think?

Let's ask Ohio's new governor who, teamed up with the rest of Clinton's EAs, managed to balance a budget and turn over a deficit to, oh what the heck was that guy's name who succeeded Clinton... dangit. Well, you know who I'm talking about, and you know what came of that extra money. So we've got the experience to make this work...as long as we don't have to read anyone's lips.

Let's at least make sure the guys in the previous post pay the same percentage of their income in taxes as the teachers in the last post. How's that for a start?


1 comment:

Luth said...

I just heard a story talking about how some organizations get away with cheap taxes. The best way: hire good tax preparers, accountants, and lawyers, like GE, who paid 14% last year... according to the story. I don't ever remember paying less than about 25% of my income in taxes, and I've never made the kind of money GE does. When will I get that kind of tax relief?