Tuesday, March 29, 2011

NOW Congress questions war-like intentions?!

You've got to be shitting me! Mitch McConnell has suddenly decided that it's Congress's job to stop a President from going to war? WTF was he in 2003 when we invaded a country where the dictator was NOT waging war against his own people, was NOT criticized by the U.N. AND the Arab League, did NOT have WMD (as it seems to have turned out), and clearly did NOT have anything to do with the 9-11 attacks? Where was he to stop an invasion in which we were NOT joined by every neighboring military force?

Is his (and the rest of Congress's, and the entire Fox News audience's) memory really that short? I guess we can forgive him for forgetting our nearly solo, non-U.N. sanctioned invasion of Iraq. After all, the strategy was so well planned that it was over and done almost immediately.

What's that? Oh, this just in: we're still mired in that useless OIF mess!

So really, before we go casting those stones, let's glance outside our shattered glass houses for a minute and just admit that the only reason to criticize the current president for going along with the rest of the world and preventing the wholesale slaughter of innocent Libyans at the hands of their completely f'd up dictator is because nothing President Obama does will ever be good enough for his opponents. EVEN if what he does is kind of the right way of what his predecessor got so wrong just 9 years ago!



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