Thursday, November 22, 2007

How Much Is A Billion Dollars?

When referring to the idea that no one seems to care how much money is, in my humble opinion, being wasted in Iraq, I've alluded to the idea that few of us have a concept of what a billion dollars really is. I know I don't. I've only recently wrapped my brain about what a million dollars is, and that, largely because it ain't what it used to be. But I ran across this in the National Guard Enlisted Association newsletter in an article about the Congress's fight over the war spending supplement and thought it might be cool to pass along.

How Much Is A Billion Dollars?

---A billion hours ago, humans were making their first tools in the Stone Age.(of course, if you're a creationist, this one makes no sense)
---A billion minutes ago, it was 104 A.D. and the Chinese first invented paper.
---A billion seconds ago, it was 1975 and the last American troops had pulled out of Vietnam.
---A billion dollars ago, it was only 3 HOURS and 32 MINUTES at the rate our government spends money.

On another note, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I have to go now. If my wife catches me 'blogging while we're supposed to be getting ready to head over the river and through the woods, I'm as cooked as that turkey soon will be.


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