Monday, July 10, 2006

Monthly Column?

Wow, while procrastinating the long, slow process of sorting through what to pack up, I realized this blog has really slipped! Thanks, Ray, for sticking with it. The post previous to this one is for you. What it lacks in quality, it makes up for in frustration AND volume (two posts in a week to balance out a long month of nothing).

With the mid-term elections coming up, and too much going on in my life, I don't know how much of that I'll be doing in the next few months, but I'll have to strike some kind of balance because I realized I'm not ready to give up on this thing just yet.

I'm sure when my wife reads these posts, she'll remind me that I have more important things to do with my time, but I was really losing focus on those things and performance was suffering. I was losing ground. I'm hoping this will put a little balance back into things... sort of straigten out the old feng shui or whatever the hell that is.

Anyhoo. It's nice to be here again. Say hello to the family for me and take care.


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