Thursday, February 16, 2006

3 Pages about Moors and Christians

Ever heard of the Festival of the Moors and the Christians in Spain? I didn't figure you did. It's a festival that celebrates... yeah, celebrates the Moors wiping out the Christians and then the Christians wiping out the Moors. Pretty weird, eh? Actually it celebrates the fact that the violence is over. Well anyway, it involves simulated battles, defeats and triumphs, and ends with the "followers of the cross" victorious, often capped off by an effigy of Muhammad, whose head is full of gunpowder, being blown up. Now get this part, both Christians and Muslims have participated in this celebration since the 13th century. That's right, Christians and Muslims! And no one gets bent out of shape over it. Imagine. Somewhere in this world, two groups of the faithful celebrate the fact that their violent past is the past and that they now live together peacefully, worshipping the same God.

Here's my point: Don't condemn someone of another faith based on the actions of the few even if those few get all the headlines in the "liberal media."

Here's why: If all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing, then the way many Christians have been responding to the news lately is pure promotion of evil. Passing on uninformed opinions as facts incites violence at some point. That's a far cry from doing nothing.

Here's my summary of the point: If you criticize entire groups of people based on a couple of assholes who claim to represent those people, you're an asshole! Assholes perpetuate evil. Quit it!

Page 2 - Get off Dick Cheney’s back. Here in Ohio (God's country), hospitals are legally bound to report the gunshot wounds they treat. Assuming there’s a similar rule in Texas, it wasn’t VP Cheney’s job to report the incident. I don’t blame him for not wanting to. I do blame him for shooting a guy in the face, and to his credit, he’s taken full responsibility for that. What more do you want? Oh sure, some will say this incident could serve as a metaphor for the administration’s reckless behavior and complete disregard for human rights. Some may even say the VP’s hesitance to report the incident indicates his believing he’s above the law. Some might even say this is the inevitable result of a disturbing pattern of behavior from him and the entire administration he runs from behind the curtain, but I’ll leave that crap to the liberal media... you know, those left leaning commies who suggested being on the wrong end of a shotgun blast was somehow the victim’s fault. They'll take care of the conjecture. All I'm sayin' is leave the guy alone. It's none of our business that our vice president shot a man in the face.

Page 3 - The next sign that the brainwashing is complete: Google, whipping boy for trading in China?! How can we single Google out simply for agreeing to China’s rules in order to do business in China? Are they the first American company to do business in China? Are they the first American company to agree to play by China’s rules?

Google this: “General Motors investment China”

Now which of these two companies deserves to be singled out for their efforts in China? Google is offering a modified version of their American-made service to the people of China. It’s either that or they offer nothing to the people of China and give up on the capitalist idea of expanding their business. Either way, their headquarters and “manufacturing facilities" and employees are all still here in the states. No jobs are going to China. In fact, it may even result in more American jobs. The Chinese people will have access to more information with the modified version of Google than they would have without it.

GM has invested billions of dollars in plants in China. Have they done this simply in the interest of providing their products to the Chinese or does the oppressive nature of the rules have something to do with it? Low wages, abundant unskilled employees, extremely limited employer liability/workplace safety/environmental regulations? Hmmmm... do the math. In addition, GM jobs in the U.S. are disappearing. Is that too much math for you?

So Google agrees to the rules and offers their product in China and in doing so, “endorses the oppressive government’s continued degradation of human rights,” but GM purposely takes advantage of that degradation and we back home who have lost jobs, tax base, whatever, as a result scream “boycott Google” in one breath and “Buy American, Buy a Chevy” in the next. I don't get it. Then again, I don't get a lot of things.

NOTE: GM's investment in the Chinese auto industry was simply the most readily available example to hold up against the evil of Google. To their credit, you could substitute many companies' names in place of theirs in this post.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have heard of Pataskala, but I can't, for the life of me, recall why. I had to check my Ohio Counties map to find it and it's definitely in the last remaining corner of Ohio that I've never spent much time. But for some reason, I've heard of it. I'm thinking there was a disaster response HQ there... maybe... I really don't remember how I'd know about it. My dad travelled a lot in and out of Ohio as a salesman and my brother and I would occasionally accompany him. Perhaps that's it?? These days, whenever I run into this situation, I just assume I've "been lost there" before.

Bill said...

There is a saying, an exclamation really, in coloquial Spanish that goes

"hay moros y christianos!"

Which is the equivalent to something like "the sh*t is gonna hit the fan" or "all hell is breaking loose" in English.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, well you thought wrong pal. I don't need to know anything that I can't get from AM talk radio! Hey, while I have you though, would you be willing to read over my discourse analysis paper? It's short and sweet and full of BS!

Bill said...

you bet! shoot it my way